Educational options for a  “Close Contact” *

(Day 0 is the first symptom date or the positive  COVID test date)

  • If a person is fully vaccinated and not showing symptoms, they may remain in school with a mask for 10 full days. They will eat at least 6 feet apart.
  • If a person is NOT vaccinated, they will stay home for 5 days, if asymptomatic without any medications for 24 hours they may return to school wearing a mask at all times through day 10 and will eat 6 feet apart.  
  • Your child may attend a quarantine room without being tested at school if:
    • The school has 5 or more students in the quarantine room for that day
    • The student must wear a mask and maintain social distancing
    • The student agrees to go directly home after the school day (they may not attend any extracurricular activities during quarantine period)
    • A substitute teacher is available
  • A person may remain in school if documentation of a recent COVID infection within the last 90 days from a licensed health provider or school nurse can be provided.
  • Participate in the Test to Stay, Play and Learn policy outlined below

Participation in "Test to Stay, Play and Learn"

  • Persons who are close contacts, choosing to test to stay will need to be masked at all times, maintain 6 feet distance while eating, and will be tested every other day through day 7. (changed from  daily testing through day 10)
  • Anyone returning from quarantine on day 6 must continuously wear a mask and eat remaining 6 feet apart for the next five days. 

Persons Testing Positive or Positive household member for COVID-19

  • Persons testing positive must remain home for 5 days.
  • If asymptomatic without medication for 24 hours, then he/she may return on day 6 wearing a mask through day 10.

* "Close contact" - (New)  A person within 6 feet of a positive case for 15 minutes or more in a 24 hour period

USD 223 is working with the Kansas Department of Health and Education as well as our County Health Department and are required to follow their guidelines. 

If you have any questions or if you or a household member test positive, please call the school where your child/children attend or email our school nurse Jeri at to discuss options.