Educational options for “Close Contact” child/family:

A. If your child is vaccinated and not showing symptoms they may remain in school with a mask without testing. 

B. Have your child quarantine at home for 10 days and monitor siblings closely.

C. Have your child complete the antigen testing in schools with the district nurse.  If you choose this option, your child/children will be nasal swabbed (not deep) In the mornings for 10 days. Test results are completed in 15 minutes. If the test results are negative they may stay in school that day and be allowed to attend extracurricular activities. If the antigen testing is positive you will be notified and the child will be referred to your provider for further testing if you choose. The child/children will need to wear masks through the 10 day testing process if at school. The tests will only be on school days and you will be notified of the results if positive. If you signed the consent form at enrollment then we can test your child after contacting you via phone, if you did not sign the consent to allow us to perform the testing at enrollment again your child will have to quarantine for 10 days or we can send you the form at your request and you can submit it to the district nurse. If you did not receive the form, please call us so we can get you the form and you can submit it to us to allow for testing should the need arise. Testing to Stay, Play, and Learn is an approved plan by KSDE and KDHE to keep kids in school as much as possible this year. 

D. Your child may attend a quarantine room at school without being tested if:

-The school has 3 or more students currently in the quarantine room for that day. 

-The student wears a mask and maintains social distancing during the quarantine

-The student agrees to go directly home after the school quarantine (students are not allowed to attend extracurricular activities during quarantine period)

USD 223 is working with the Kansas Department of Health and Education as well as our County Health Department closely.

If you have any questions, please call the school where you child/children go or send us an email at or