I was able to discuss personal hygiene with 3rd and 4th graders this week. Some of the information that was shared through a video as well as discussion was 1. Wash your face at least 2 times a day (when you wake up and before going to bed). 2. Brush your teeth 2 times a day (when you finish eating breakfast or when you wake up and before you go to bed. 3. Take a bath or shower daily - discussion was held on body odor and getting in contact with germs during PE, recess and general school days. 4. Washing hair at least every other day. 5. Brush or comb your hair daily before school 6. Possibly using deodorant or antiperspirant daily if you are at the age where you are starting to notice body odor 7. Wear clean clothes to school every day and make you change your underwear and socks daily. 8. Put dirty clothes in a hamper or basket and wash them at least weekly. 9. Clip your finger and toe nails as they can hold germs in them. 10. Get at least 8 hours of sleep daily. 11. Eat a well balanced meal 3 times a day. 12. Exercise daily 13. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day -this does not include milk or soda. 14. Wash your coats or hoodies that you wear to school at least weekly. 15. If you have an indoor pet, don't let them lay on your clothes as that will make them smell. It was an interesting discussion with the kids!
Personal hygiene
February 9, 2024